Dr.Hamad Mohamed Hamdeen Abdelrahman

Dr.Hamad Mohamed Hamdeen Abdelrahman

Associate Professor - Department of Archaeology - Faculty of Arts


The Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Neelian, the Center for Research and Studies of the Red Sea Basin Countries, and Arithria Publishing and Distribution House are honored to invite you to submit a scientific paper at the Second Scientific Conference of Archaeological Studies, which will be held (online) on 19-12-2024. All conference papers will be published in the Al-Qulzum Archaeological Journal and other specialized journals of the Center for Research and Studies of the Red Sea Basin Countries in the issue of December 2024. All papers should be sent to the following email: Archaeoconfere2@outlook.com Important dates: - The last date for submitting full papers is: 15-10-2024. - The papers will be returned after review on: 5-11-2024. - The final papers will be sent on: 25-11-2024. - The conference will be held on: Thursday 19-12-2024. For more information or inquiries, don't hesitate to get in touch with us via the conference email: Archaeoconfere2@outlook.com Or via WhatsApp number: +249915235005 +249910785855
